Friday, March 25, 2011


There are many kinds of rock n’ roll music Among all of them ,trash metal is one kind with power and speed, containing heavy guitar riffs and quick drum double treads. There are so-called big 4 of trash metal -Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, and the best-known Metallica.
Metallica’s music are known for skilled double guitar riffs and solo, powerful voice, and heavy drum beats. Their vocal and rhythm guitar, James Hetfield ,is able to play guitar riff quickly while singing .Solo guitar ,Kirk Hammett, likes to play high pitch solo . Of course he is able to play very fast. Their dual guitar solo is very splendid because they have two great guitar player. And the drummer, Lars Ulrich, harmonizing the band with his drum beats.

I love their songs like “one”, “the Day that Never Comes” and “Enter sandman”, which are very direct and very strong. Their dual guitar playing is awesome; the structure is rigorous, making me feel straightforward and, as if the Metallica wants to tell us about their attitude about life and music, like all trash metal bands.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Guns & Roses

When talking about rock n' roll music, there is always a name we can never forget. It’s Guns n’ Roses. Featuring vocal Axl Roses, who has a high and powerful voice, and solo guitar Slash, a man with outstanding and crazy fast guitar solo skill.

Guns n’ Roses’ best album, in my point of view, is “Appetite for Destruction (1987)”. The album contains their famous songs, including “Welcome to the jungle”, “sweet child o’mine”,and “Nightrain”.Making them the best hard rock band ever.

My favorite is “Nightrain”, a song written after they were all drunk. Just like other their songs ,telling a meaningless story, but give a strong feeling of emotion, it’s a typical spirit of rock music.